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About the Neighbourhood Plan

The Parish Council for Ashford Hill with Headley have decided that it would be advantageous for a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) to be prepared for Ashford Hill with Headley (AH&H). Upon adoption, it will sit alongside the Local Plan prepared by Basingstoke and Deane as the Local Planning Authority.


The NP will set out the residents’ vision for the Parish over the next 10 years and establish the need for any additional amenities. Our intention is that the NP will incorporate policies only, to define the nature of any future development, and will not identify sites for housing or other development as we are not required to do so. The NP will be a statutory document to help protect us from unwelcome planning proposals as Basingstoke & Deane will be required to refer to the NP in considering any planning applications they receive.


It is essential that everyone has the opportunity to express their views on the issues that should be included in the NP. To ensure this we have decided on the following strategy.


The first step is the circulation of the Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire to every household in the Parish and we hope every household will complete it. Copies will come with the Parish Magazine at the beginning of July 2019 or may be completed on-line.

We have arranged drop-in sessions in the Village Hall in Ashford Hill on Monday 15 July 2019 from 2pm to 5pm and from 6pm to 8pm and in the Community Shop in Headley on Monday 22 July 2019 from 2pm to 5pm and from 6pm to 8pm. These sessions are designed to enable residents to find out more about the process, to ask questions and to give their views.


If anyone would like help in completing their questionnaire or would like transport to one of the drop in sessions, then they are welcome to let one of the Steering Group know, either in person or by using the email address on the website given above.

We will issue updates on our progress monthly in each copy of the Parish magazine.

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